BEST RIDE QUESTIONNAIRE How often do you normally use rideshare services, such as Uber, DiDi or Ola? * Less than 2 times a month 3-5 times a month 5-8 times a month more than 8 time a month What times of day do you mostly use rideshares? You can tick more than one box. * Mornings (to work) Lunchtime Afternoon (from work) Evenings Other How often do you encounter price surges? * Never Sometimes Often Most times Every time How helpful have you found the Best Ride app? * Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Very helpful 10 1 is Not at all, 10 is Very helpful How often have you used the Best Ride app when searching for a rideshare car? * Not at All A few times Most times Every time How many of your 5 free searches have you used? * Have you made a purchase of the search options? * None Casual Unlimited Subscription Do you think Best Ride is good value for money? * Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Very good value 10 1 is Not at all, 10 is Very good value On what occasions do you most use rideshare apps? * To/from Work To Restaurant/Pub/etc Shopping Other Which rideshare service do you mostly use: * Uber Ola DiDi GoCatch Taxi's Other How did you hear about the Best Ride app? * Social Media Newspaper TV Radio Outdoor Online In Pub Railway station Friend Other Overall, how would you rate the Best Ride app? 1 2 3 4 5 Submit Should be Empty: